
JSP,mysql,tomcat下(基于struts2)中文及其乱码问题的解决 5大配置点 使用UTF-8编码

1 struts2配置 2 数据库 3 页面 4 jdbc连接 5 tomcat


1 struts2配置

struts2在配置struts.properties文件中加上struts.i18n.encoding=UTF-8 或者在 struts.xml里加上<constant name="struts.i18n.encoding" value="UTF-8" /> 有的朋友说加上struts.locale=zh_CN,但是我的struts.locale为en_GB没有问题.

2 数据库

2.1 mysql的表的编码方式,其DDL应该为: ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; 可以使用show create table tbname查看.

2.2 安装mysql数据库时就应该以utf8编码默认安装查看mysql数据库默认编码方式可以在其目录下my.ini文件中找到mysql和mysqld下default-character-set值为utf8或者在mysql数据库命令行下以"\s;"查看.

3 页面

每个页面上加上<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> 这样在jsp页面里,点右键,查看编码方式则为UTF-8.

4 jdbc连接

设置characterencoding为UTF-8 如jdbc.mysql.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db?useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF8

5 tomcat

为了保证get/post数据都采用相同的UTF8编码,我们在server.xml中进行了如下设置: <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"                connectionTimeout="20000"                redirectPort="8443"  URIEncoding="UTF-8" />


     msyql数据库安装时候需要默认编码方式或者使用MySQL Server Instance Config Wizard 配置,

在设置Configure the MySQL Server 5.0 server instance那里的时候选择Manual Selected Default Character Set / Collation 为 UTF8 而不是默认的 LATIN1 在MYSQL里查看得 mysql> \s;

-------------- E:\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysql.exe  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a, for Win32 (ia32) Connection id:          2 Current database: Current user:          root@localhost SSL:                    Not in use Using delimiter:        ; Server version:        5.0.51a-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL) Protocol version:      10 Connection:            localhost via TCP/IP Server characterset:    utf8 Db    characterset:    utf8 Client characterset:    utf8 Conn.  characterset:    utf8 TCP port:              3306 Uptime:                25 sec Threads: 1  Questions: 4  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 12  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 6  Queries per second avg: 0.160


[mysql] default-character-set=utf8 # SERVER SECTION # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The following options will be read by the MySQL Server. Make sure that # you have installed the server correctly (see above) so it reads this # file. # [mysqld] # The TCP/IP Port the MySQL Server will listen on port=3306 #Path to installation directory. All paths are usually resolved relative to this. basedir="E:/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/" #Path to the database root datadir="E:/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/Data/" # The default character set that will be used when a new schema or table is # created and no character set is defined default-character-set=utf8 ...........



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